Remember the Water - Spiritography Gallery

“God of Water”

God of Water image by Robert Berman Remember the Water

Photo taken on December 18th 2004 six days before tsunami
took place in Southeast Asia. Photo taken by Robert Berman HA’a

Many who have viewed this image refer to it as Poseidon the “God of Water

In Greek mythology, Poseidon is the god of the sea as well as earthquake and horses. It was the water where he lived most of his life, though he had a throne at Mt. Olympus with other Greek gods and goddesses.

Dr. Emoto and his research lab I.H.M. in Japan, did an experiment on the photo image The GOD of Water. They set the photo under a container of water for a few days to imprint the image into the water. Then took the water and froze it in order to make water crystals. During the freezing process they photographed the crystals as they became apparent. Here are the images.

Images were published in Hado Magazine in Japan


See more and learn more about water in the "SACRED WATER"

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